Bola Canaria
"Bola canaria" or the Canarian ball is a game very similar to petanque, since it consists of getting points by rolling balls as close as possible to the so-called "mingue" or "boliche" (a special ball).
The peculiarity of this game is that these balls are heavier than the ones used in petanque and the playing ground is larger. In Tenerife there is a federation of 30 teams, classified under three categories (first, second, and second B), organizing competitions.
Material: a "boliche" and 24 balls, 12 in red and 12 in green for each team, with a weight ranging from 1kg and 1.200kg.
Duration: as long as necessary for the two teams to reach 12 points to win.
Rules: once the boliche, the reference ball for both teams, is given to one of the teams to start, a player marks a semi-circle (with a radius around 15cm) on the ground and rolls the boliche to a distance around 7m or 15m and then the player tries to roll their ball as close to the boliche as possible. Another player from the opponent team will try to make a better performance with their ball closer to the boliche. Each team will win as many balls as they have closer to the boliche than the other's team closest one.
The point counting is calculated throughout the two team's plays. The team who sooner gets 12 balls wins the game.
Players: teams of 4 players (plus the subtitutes), who roll three balls each one.