Only 2% of the world's water is drinkable, use just enough for your daily life.
1. Shower or bath? A shower uses four times less water than a bath.
2. DO NOT leave the tap running while brushing your teeth, filling up a glass of water you’ll have all you need to brush your teeth.
3. Fill up the sink when you shave, this way you will only use 5 liters of water .
4. Install faucets that limit water flow to save up to 50 % of water consumption.
5. DO NOT use the toilet for paper you can throw out in the garbage.
6. Systems of interrupting dual toilet flush allow for voluntary downloading stop if the button is pressed again.
7. If the incorporation of a flush interruption mechanism is not possible, place bricks or bottles filled with sand to make weight in the toilet cistern and you will save two to three liters and a half in each download. Then you can use that water for watering plants or washing the floor.
8. Dispose of the used oil in a bottle. Oil is a major source of pollution for water. A liter of oil pollutes nearly one million liters of water! That is sufficient amount of water consumption for fourteen years of use for one person.
9. Water the garden early in the morning or evening to avoid water evaporation.
10. Place a plate under the plant pots; it helps keep the soil moist longer.
11. Fill up the washing machine and the dishwasher at full capacity.