Easter Week
Motril's Easter Week received the recognition of a tourist interest festivity by the national and regional authorities in 2003. In Motril there are three original brotherhoods and several religious fraternities, there being a total of 20 pasos (procession statues or sculptures representing biblical passages) every year in town. The Easter Week processions are probably some of the most rooted traditions in Motril because of their beauty and religious meaning, concluding with a parade on Easter Sunday. The people from Motril and the visitors are the real protagonists of this experience.
Motril's Easter Week has the following programme of events, mainly processions dedicated to different fraternities (cofradías):
Viernes de Dolores (Friday): Stations of the Cross, a penitential tradition.
Sábado de Pasión (Saturday): The Youth from the fraternity Gran Poder and Stations of the Cross.
Domingo de Ramos (Sunday): Blessing of palms and mass; the day of Cofradía Nuestro Padre Jesús en su Triunfal Entrada en Jerusalén and Nuestra Señora del Rosario.
Lunes Santo (Monday): Cofradía de la Oración de Nuestro Señor en el Huerto de los Olivos y María Santísima de la Victoria.
Martes Santo (Tuesday): Cofradía de Nazarenos, Nuestro Padre Jesús del Perdón, María Santísima de la Misericordia, Nuestra señora del Carmen y San Juan Evangelista.
Miércoles Santo (Wednesday): Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo de la Salud, Nuestra Señora del Mayor Consuelo, Fervorosa Hermandad de Penitencia de Nuestro Padre Jesús del Gran Poder y María Santísima del Mayor Dolor.
Jueves Santo (Thursday): Hermandad de Penitencia de Nuestro Padre Jesús de Pasión, María Santísima de la Amargura, Cofradía Ntro. Padre Jesús Nazareno, María Santísima de la Esperanza y Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo de la Buena Muerte.
Viernes Santo (Friday): Muy Antigua Archicofradía del Dulce Nombre de Jesús y Primitiva y Real Hermandad y Cofradía de Nazarenos de la Santa Vera Cruz (Cristo de la Expiración) y María Santísima del Valle, Cofradía del Santo Sepulcro y Nuestra Señora de los Dolores.
Sábado Santo (Saturday): Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de la Soledad y Santísimo Cristo Yacente.
Domingo de Resurrección (Sunday): Dulce Nombre de Jesús (probably the most important procession).
Before the Spanish Civil War, there were some religious fraternities in Motril commemorating not only the Passion of Christ but also several biblical passages. Since the 40's, three of these religious fraternities have carried out their processions, even during difficult situations and poor conditions, until 1981, when the foundation of some other new fraternities took place, coming back the big celebrations of Easter Week in Motril.
From that moment on, even more fraternities started to be founded in different neighbourhoods of Motril, playing an essential role every single day during this festivity,considering there are processions every day. Currently, we can say that Motril's Easter Week has reached its highest peak with an excellent offer considering its quality and quantity of events and services.