(4 people)
- one and a half cup of olive oil
- 3 dozens of chonete snails
Clean and chop the chicken. Then fry it lightly and let stand for a couple of hours before preparing the rice. Afterwards, sauté the lean pork and boil it together with the cleaned snails. Fry the peppers, previously cut into four strips each, let them cool so that you can easily peel them later and reserve the oil.
In a large pan or clay pot, pour the oil and fry carefully the ñora so that it does not burn. Once fried, set the ñora aside and fry the peeled and chopped tomato, artichokes, peeled garlic cloves and peas in the same oil.
In a mortar, mash the minced ñora and add some salt, saffron and the fried garlic cloves. Once everything is mashed, fill the mortar with broth.
Using the same oil, add the tomato, artichokes and peas to the clay pot. Fry lightly the rice, constantly stirring, and pour the strained broth of the mortar.
Then, add the broth you consider is needed and the pieces of chicken, lean pork, snails and seafood to decorate the dish.
After 15 to 20 minutes, remove the pot or pan from the heat and leave to stand 5 minutes before serving.